Antonio Olmo Titos

About me

A portrait

I am an engineering manager, a tech lead and a software architect with an MSc in computer science and software engineering and more than twenty years of international experience.

I have worked in different types of organisations — from a fitness start-up to a worldwide non-profit. I have led development teams in several projects from beginning to end, recruited and mentored, designed APIs and UIs, written web applications, given talks at events, and shared my ideas on blog posts. My colleagues and people who reported to me have usually given quite positive feedback about my conscientiousness and communication skills. In the last decade I have focused on the web stack, web standards, JavaScript and UX.

My mother tongue is Spanish, but I am also fluent in English and Italian, and enjoy learning Japanese and German. I was born (and I am currently based) in Madrid (Spain) — after having attended college, and worked, in Japan, the UK and Italy.

Work history

since Jun 2024
Team lead of a squad of full-stack developers at osapiens

Aug 2019 – May 2024
Senior software engineer in charge of front-end architecture at Devo

Sep 2022 – Aug 2023
Lecturer at Universidad Europea de Madrid

Feb–May 2019
CTO in residence at 7r Ventures

Aug 2014 – Jan 2019
Web developer at the W3C's Systems Team

May 2010 – Jun 2014
CTO (previously senior software engineer) at Cycle-IT

…plus experience in five other roles, going back to 2003 — see all on LinkedIn

Formal education

MSc in CS and Software Engineering ETSIIT, University of Granada (Spain), 1998–2004

Socrates/Erasmus grant: one-year stay, and MSc thesis entitled “Implementing Malaj: aspect-oriented programming” Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), 2001–2002

MA in Japanese Cultural Studies Birkbeck, University of London (UK), 2008–2009

Course: Common Lisp programming: from novice to effective developer, Udemy, 2024

Course: Learn and Understand D3.js for Data Visualization, Udemy, 2023

Course: The Modern World, Part One: Global History from 1760 to 1910, University of Virginia on Coursera, 2023

Course: Introduction to Data Science in Python, University of Michigan on Coursera, 2019

Course: Principles of Valuation: Time Value of Money, University of Michigan on Coursera, 2016


Strong background in formal CS and software engineering, including computer architecture, low-level programming languages, formal languages, data structures, algorithm theory and complexity, digital imaging and 3D, and software development methodologies and project management.

I love JavaScript, and have extensive experience with it, both client- and server-side: ES2015, TypeScript, Angular, React, Redux, styled-components, jQuery, AMD (RequireJS), Browserify, webpack, JSDoc, Velocity.js, GreenSock, D3.js, Node.js, Koa, Express, Mocha, Jest, Babel, ESLint, Prettify, npm, pm2. See my public npm packages.

Complementary web technologies: HTML5 and associated APIs (canvas, WebGL, web sockets, SVG, history API), CSS3 (3D transforms and animations, Flexbox), PWA's, SPA's, responsive web design, Bootstrap, Handlebars. See some of my public demos.

I am a strong advocate of standards, especially those surrounding the Open Web Platform: Unicode, HTTP, XML, REST, JSON, GraphQL.

Other languages and tools I have used and feel confident with, to various degrees: Python, Java, Scala, C/C++, Common Lisp, Google Cloud Platform, SQL (MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL), noSQL (CouchDB), Knex, React Native, regular expressions, Docker, Unix CLI and shell scripting, Apache HTTP Server, Travis CI, Circle CI, Git, Subversion, Visual Studio Code, Atom, emacs, Eclipse, OpenAPI (Swagger), Figma, Gimp, Inkscape.

GNU/Linux has been my OS of choice for all purposes, professional or personal, since I started college. I use (and produce) FOSS whenever possible. See my GitHub profile.

I enjoy communicating ideas related to my work — which I do very often, having been interviewed and published blog posts (see a few old ones, or read the last one I wrote). I participate in many events, sometimes giving talks (like this or this), and interact with the community on fora like Hacker News and Stack Overflow.


Mail: a at this very domain


LinkedIn: aolmotitos

Skype: a.olmotitos